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Monday, July 19, 2010 4:56 AM

haven't been blogging for quite a period of time. today's mood is not that good. i want quit! okay, this is only for those who knows what happened. went home i told my brother whole thing, reach home, i was crying like mad. well, you can say i am soft. but it is so damn god sad. before the things got worse, i must fake fake in front of my parents. i let them down. they got so high expectations on me and yet i let them down! arghh, i going cry again if i continue write. thanks huiying, thanks for your comforting. though i almost wanted to cry again when i have cooled myself down when you gave me that letter but still thanks a lot. ilovehuiying<3

Friday, July 2, 2010 10:49 PM

hohoho...yesterday was mum's birthday.didn't celebrate:D mum didn't go to work because it was her birthday.yesterday very late then went home cause got CCA till 4.30p.m. tired.never mind, it is what i have chosen, so i can't regret.eh, nothing to post.so, byee~

i’m just who i am.

i'm just a typical girl...
Borned with a name Yihuan.Once studied in ADMPS but now in WRSS.Shower me with presents on 24th august.

bold italic underline strike

simply things I want.

go overseas

tell me.


:: huiying ::
:: 1/2 rising star ::
:: huiyi ::
:: shimin ::
:: joey ::
:: gilyn ::
:: tingen ::
:: bingchen ::
:: ziting ::
the moments.

March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
August 2011

the melody.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

let me go.

blogskin of invalid.love