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Friday, April 30, 2010 12:23 AM

hmm...here to post again(: i using my cousin's com.his com the connection very not like mine so slow...no, not slow is can't even connect the wireless!my cousin's is only a little laggy, the rest all very good...just now reading novel.love de.XD i these days become crazy liao...i keep reading the book then i don't want sleep.haha :D last night i read till midnight 1+ then sleep. very crazy hor? i also think so lehh... just now read untill very engrossed. i read till i don't want move.just sit there..i must control ler.i school i keep thinking of what will happen next to the story...i like those 宅女 liao...actually not excactly.only i make it exagerating(don't know got spell wrong or not >.<) haiz...i want continue reading ler...byes~ (:

Saturday, April 24, 2010 10:59 PM

yo~posting again~i now very annoyed...i keep installing my webcam but still cannot!i install about 5 times ler...5 TIMES leh...no joke...give up ler...i want call my father go buy 1 new one for me but for sure i know he will say:" want webcam for what?give you play is it?no no no..." every time like that one...sian lorh.i wanna change blogskin...
end post here, byee~

Saturday, April 17, 2010 7:09 AM

hey...here to post again...now super happy!!i finally can online ler...i mean msn...a few days ago was like can't sign in...sign in 1/2 hour ler, but still can't...everyday on com try but can't...haiz...anyway, my father just promised me something!!if my guzheng i can go to the SYF to perform, my father will buy a guzheng for me!sounds good hor?but then a while later i thought that maybe i can't do it leh...haiz...never mind, i will work hard de!but i scared later i will be dissapointed...haiz...i will just work hard ba...if i didn't get in, i at least know i put in effort.. :D jiayou! like i got confident like that hor? actually still very scared... -.-" end post here... (:

Monday, April 12, 2010 6:35 AM

hey...i am here to post again...actually i got a lot thing need say one...but then a lot leh...lazy type ;) like ver long time never post ler..hehe...oh ya!i want to tell you all, readers, i may not be posting that much ler...busy and also my sis always use the com then don't allow me use...so, i apologize! :) i will try not let the blog die!!if blog die, means i let huiying down...she create my blog de marh...okay lar...need go do homework liao...byes... :D

Saturday, April 3, 2010 10:17 PM

hey, here to post again...mmm, talk about yesterday and the day before barh...talk the day before first barh...that night, me and huiying chat on the phone till about 2 plus barh...she sing the love story until very funny...make me laugh like siao...she sing start to standing there to starts to say hello...haha...i keep laughing then my sis say she can't sleep because of us...lol..mm...now let's talk about yesterday.yesterday went to crescent park with huiying..got police go ask for my name, IC and address just because i never look after my things properly...almost got stolen...when the police go ask for her IC, she say she forgot!!i so dumb!should have said i forgot...then later at night, went to play with the fire-sticks(dunno correct or not o.0) with sis and her friend...wah..my sis so bad.she go throw the fire-stick at me...lucky i run away, if not i will become shao zhu liao lorh...but still very fun!

i’m just who i am.

i'm just a typical girl...
Borned with a name Yihuan.Once studied in ADMPS but now in WRSS.Shower me with presents on 24th august.

bold italic underline strike

simply things I want.

go overseas

tell me.


:: huiying ::
:: 1/2 rising star ::
:: huiyi ::
:: shimin ::
:: joey ::
:: gilyn ::
:: tingen ::
:: bingchen ::
:: ziting ::
the moments.

March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
August 2011

the melody.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

let me go.

blogskin of invalid.love