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Wednesday, March 31, 2010 4:40 AM

hey!here to post again!bored sia...everyday got homework de...today went to practice guzheng...so suay, take one the sound weird weird one some more 1 line missing...the sound was like those horror movie one lorh...so awful...practice till 5 like that then went home with Gilyn...6 then reach home...today very sian...got exam...si liao lorh...don't know how do lehh...a lot is tikam one...i wouldn't be surprised if i fail...kk...end post here...bye~

Friday, March 26, 2010 4:47 AM

hey, here to post again...today, very sad...i cried. now emoing...father talk, i ignore.cousin ask something, i just say i don't know.why sad lehh?got scolded and kicked larh...actually i also don't know why get scolded and kicked...all i know is kicking hurts more than using hand to beat...i think the main reason is because i am lazy...my father also say i ignore him at the first place...got mehh?can't recall...i can't hear him...my house got 2 stories lehh...from kitchen to my room, very far lehh...some more my mouth can't open big when i shout and talk, of course can't hear properly what i saying larh...but then he treat it as me talking back to him...then he call me check something, i don't know what he want me check then i say check what, he kick me liao...actually i want to hold my tears one, but the minute he kick me liao, my tears straight away drip down...if he says that his heart ache when he kick me, what about the pain in my heart and the spot that you kicked me?after that, i don't dare cry out loud so i hide in toilet cry lorh...i used the sound of the water to cover my sound...end post here...

Thursday, March 25, 2010 8:03 AM

Wahh...so sian...early don't want do homework now then do haha...no wonder everytime in class want sleep...hehe...XD today learned conversational malay...nama saya yihuan.saya tinggal di woodlands.then one more forget lerh...>.<>


yo!it's yihuan here now...thanks huiying meii!iloveyou!today, got very angry things happen also got very funny thing happen...mmm...don't want say angry de...say liao not happy...then funny de say liao, will get deleted...will also get scolded...better don't say...but you want know, can ask me...no larhh...joking...hehe...tag me orh~ :]

first time

hello evryone. hahas. its huiying here. helped yihuan make her blog :D hope u all like it. do tag her n support her okay. dun say bad things abt her as its her first time blogging! SUPPORT HER @ www.ihopenidream.blogspot.com tyvmz~

i’m just who i am.

i'm just a typical girl...
Borned with a name Yihuan.Once studied in ADMPS but now in WRSS.Shower me with presents on 24th august.

bold italic underline strike

simply things I want.

go overseas

tell me.


:: huiying ::
:: 1/2 rising star ::
:: huiyi ::
:: shimin ::
:: joey ::
:: gilyn ::
:: tingen ::
:: bingchen ::
:: ziting ::
the moments.

March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
August 2011

the melody.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

let me go.

blogskin of invalid.love